Tag: My own harshest critic

Life is just a series of continuous lies. Can we ever stop that?

I’ve come to the conclusion that life is just a series of continuous lies. If not for all of us (though surely that’s the case?), then certainly for a huge number of us. Think about it. On a daily basis, I’ll bet good money that most of us tell lies, whether that’s to others or …

Are lists good or bad for us?

I’ve always been a list maker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve used them daily in both my work and personal lives. I’ve always believed they’re helpful though I’ve recently wondered if that really is the case. If anything, I now think they cause pressure and anxiety where it really isn’t needed. I …

Get up and start again

I’ve lost my way with the blog over recent months. Since starting in May 2019, I averaged close to a new post each week for the first two years. However, since August 2021, I’ve written just 25 posts (including this one) – an average of one per fortnight. It is easy to come up with …

What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

I recently watched a snippet of a TED talk which really hit home. The talk is titled How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life, by Lori Gottlieb. The general theme is that what we tell ourselves shapes how we live our lives – Gottlieb summarises this by saying “The way we narrate our lives …

Benefits of losing weight (I hope…)

Apologies for yet another weight-related post so soon after the one last month but things have changed a little since then. In that post, I wrote about not beating yourself up if you’re finding it difficult to lose weight, or if it takes time to achieve (as it is with me). However, since then, a …

Don’t despair if you’re struggling to lose weight – it isn’t easy. A weight-loss / fat-shedding update

I’ve written about my need to lose weight on at least 3 previous occasions, the first back in September 2019, and here I am yet again, revisiting the same subject. The reason being that weight-wise, I’m in the same situation today as I was 29 months ago and I’ve recently been questioning why that is. …

My first panic attack in a long time – exactly what happened

I’ve been thinking long and hard for a few weeks now about whether to write this post, primarily as it’s been a while since anything like this happened but also because I don’t want to seem a bit stupid / melodramatic and I don’t want to worry my Mum, who I know doesn’t like these …

I’m experiencing writer’s block for the first time

For the first time since starting this blog in 2019, I’m experiencing writer’s block. I wrote earlier this year about having lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the blog ( you can find that post here ) though this feels different. It’s not that I’m falling out of love with the blog – it’s …

Don’t ever say you’re not good enough

I’ve made a last-minute change to the theme of this week’s blog. Last night, we had a long overdue catch-up with some good friends. At one point, they were asking their son to perform a couple of magic tricks he has been working on lately, though he was reluctant to do so, saying he didn’t …

Me? A procrastinator? I’ll prove you wrong someday. Just you wait and see.

As referred to in last week’s blog, a post on good old procrastination. My number 1 enemy. When thinking about what I need to include in this post, I looked up some definitions of the word and found the following: Cambridge Dictionary: To keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant …