Tag: Social media

As a species, the human race is screwed…

I’m hoping someone will be able to convince me otherwise, but I genuinely do believe this to be true, at least in the western world (the UK, western Europe, the US etc). And much of it is down to phone addiction… I’ve thought this for a while, though some things I observed during a couple …

Does anyone else have a really poor attention span or is it just me? I’m blaming technology again…

I have a real problem with paying attention to a single task for any moderate length of time (let’s say 15 minutes or more). This hasn’t been an issue all my life, as far as I recall, though it certainly is now, and I place the blame firmly at the feet of modern technology… There …

For the good of your own mental health, limit the amount of news you take in right now

The world is undoubtedly a crazy place right now. All we hear is war, death, a refugee crisis, rising costs, poverty and much more connected to these themes. The broader situation will seem even worse though if you’re constantly watching television news and reading newspapers. I appreciate that this may be an unpopular view though …

My mobile phone is sucking the life out of me…

Now there’s an attention-grabbing title for you! Don’t worry – this isn’t clickbait. It’s exactly how I feel right now. I imagine some of you may have gasped when you first read that title? Possibly even recoiled in horror at such an outlandish thought? If you did react in that way, good. I’m pleased about …

I’m an obliger and that needs to change

I recently realised that I’m an obliger. I also recently realised that this needs to change. As I tend to do when I have a dawning realisation, I researched the term to determine if my understanding is correct. There are numerous definitions with the most common suggesting that an obliger is someone who performs a …

When do you truly switch off?

I’ve had a really busy week, both in work and personally. I’m used to spinning numerous plates and I’m quite comfortable with that, though, to coin one of a good friend’s favourite phrases, my head has been full of broken biscuits at times. That situation has improved now though it did make me think of …

What can we do when our mojo just disappears? Very little, it seems…

In my previous post (30th August: “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you (part 1) – link here ), I stated that the post was a two-parter, with the follow-up expected to look at the potential root causes (and possible solutions) of yet again not getting anywhere near …

Do you listen to talk or listen to listen?

Something I’ve noticed more and more over recent years is that most people listen to talk rather than listen to listen. Confused? Let me try to explain. In any conversation, it’s vitally important to give the other person our undivided attention. To be genuinely interested in what they are saying and take in every word. …

Everyday anxieties – is it just me or do most people have them?

Everyday anxieties – is it just me or do most people have these? To clarify, I’m not talking the level of anxiousness which (thankfully) only happens every so often and forces me into cold sweats and an irrational panic. I’m talking about the peculiar little everyday occurrences which shouldn’t cause concern and prey on my …

Don’t forget just how important the mental health of our children is

A vitally important subject which was really emphasised to me by an e-mail I received earlier this week (more of that later). The mental health of our children is vitally important and whilst we’re all clearly aware of this, it can be easy to forget it during day-to-day life. I’ll refer to our children as …