Tag: Short attention span

As a species, the human race is screwed…

I’m hoping someone will be able to convince me otherwise, but I genuinely do believe this to be true, at least in the western world (the UK, western Europe, the US etc). And much of it is down to phone addiction… I’ve thought this for a while, though some things I observed during a couple …

Does anyone else have a really poor attention span or is it just me? I’m blaming technology again…

I have a real problem with paying attention to a single task for any moderate length of time (let’s say 15 minutes or more). This hasn’t been an issue all my life, as far as I recall, though it certainly is now, and I place the blame firmly at the feet of modern technology… There …

Sometimes you just have to stop for a minute or two and take it all in

I don’t know if it’s a sign of aging but life certainly seems to be moving quicker than ever these days. Even with Covid restrictions dictating how we live at the moment, the days / weeks / months seem to fly by. If you’re anything like me, this isn’t helped by having a short attention …