Tag: When I was a kid

Find the time to do the things you love each day

Last week, I wrote about the importance of doing a little every day to build momentum over time. The post referenced several examples of tasks where there will be benefits from spending just 10 minutes per day on them. Linked to this, I stumbled upon this quote a couple of days ago – a favourite …

Stories are central to life. Another reason why we should view things through a child’s eyes far more often.

Life is all about stories. They’re central to life and they’re always amazing if you look at them in the right way. I love stories. When I talk to others about them, there’s a tendency to immediately focus on books as the main source of stories but if you look deeply enough, they’re everywhere. When …

Advice for my 13-year-old self…

The son of a close friend has recently progressed from playing the ukulele to his first electric guitar, shortly after his 13th birthday. Hearing of how much he’s loving it, and seeing videos of his impressive playing, are heart-warming and take me back to when I first started playing guitar, at the exact same age. …

Why I need music in my life and my go-to playlists and songs

This post was inspired by a request from a good friend of mine who asked if I’d write about the music I’d been listening to this year, during various COVID-related lockdowns and restricted periods. That request came some time ago and I’ve been mulling over just how to address this. I came to the conclusion …